‘Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians’ print resource

The American Library Association (ALA) and Creative Commons have collaborated on a new publication, ‘Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians,’ available in print at the ALA store and downloaded from the Creative Commons website. This book offers a clear and comprehensive background on copyright law, open licensing and open advocacy. This book can be read […]

How to find Creative Commons materials using Google

Updated 25 May 2022 Google is one of the most commonly used search engines in the world, but did you know you can use Google to find Creative Commons (CC) licensed content? Using Google Advanced Search, you are able to search for material by keyword and refine your results to show only material available that […]

Creative Commons Information Pack for Teachers and Students

Updated 9 January 2022 NCU has recently revised its CC Information Pack for Teachers and Students to incorporate the new CC 4.0 International Licence. The pack explains what CC is, how to find CC material and the best way to attribute CC material. Please click on the following headings to navigate to each section of […]

What is Creative Commons?

Updated 9 January 2023 Creative Commons (CC) is an internationally active non-profit organisation that provides free licences for creators to use when making their work available to the public. These licences help the creator to give permission for others to use the work in advance under certain conditions. Every time a work is created, such […]

Quick Reference Guide to Finding Creative Commons Material

Updated 4 August 2022 Information about Creative Commons http://www.creativecommons.org – CC international site http://creativecommons.org.au/ – CC Australia site http://icommons.asbindia.org/ – iCommons – CC-founded open source community http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Content_Curators – List of sites which host CC-licensed material. Search tools for finding Creative Commons and open access resources These sites have material which is searchable by how they can be used, […]

How to Label Third Party Content in Creative Commons Licensed Material

Updated 19 February 2021 Creative Commons licences are designed to let others know how they may use a work without infringing copyright. Therefore, if you are distributing information under a Creative Commons Licence, and it includes content that isn’t covered by the Creative Commons Licence, this material needs to be clearly identified. Third Party Content […]

How to find Creative Commons materials using the Openverse Search Portal

Updated 19 July 2022 Previously, Creative Commons hosted a CC Search Portal on its website (CC Search). This has been updated to Openverse, hosted on the WordPress website. Similar to CC Search, users are still able to search by use case, licence type and several other filters. Openverse also has built in language support, so […]

How to find Creative Commons materials using YouTube

Updated 24 May 2022 YouTube is one of the most commonly used video search engines in the world. Did you know you can use YouTube to find Creative Commons (CC) licensed Videos? Using the YouTube search filters, you are able to search for material by keyword and refine your search to show only material available […]

How to find Creative Commons licensed materials

Updated 19 July 2022 Digital technologies have revolutionised the way in which content is created and shared in education. Teachers and students alike can communicate, share and modify all kinds of content, from video to images and music, in new and interesting ways. The use of digital forums like websites, wikis and blogs in the […]

How to attribute Creative Commons licensed materials

All Creative Commons licences require that users of the work attribute the creator. This is also a requirement under Australian copyright law. This means you always have to acknowledge the creator of the CC work you are using, as well as provide any relevant copyright information. For many users ​of CC material, attribution is one of […]

Labelling Third Party Content in Creative Commons Licensed Material

This information sheet is for teachers who create or compile teaching resources and for e-learning and curriculum units who develop resources. It is important to properly label all material that is distributed by or for schools. The purpose of labelling is: to assist with the distribution of copyright royalties under the statutory licence scheme to […]

Videos about Creative Commons

Creative Commons Australia Animations: Mayer and Bettle These short animations are a fun and simple way to learn about Creative Commons. Both were developed by Creative Commons Australia and are based on fabulous characters, Mayer and Bettle. They are a great resource to use in the classroom when teaching students about Creative Commons. The first animation focuses on the basics […]

Creative Commons

Creative Commons (CC) is an internationally active, non-profit organisation that provides free licences for creators to use when making their work available to the public. These licences help creators give permission for others to use their work in advance under certain conditions. Creative Commons licences make it easier for teachers to use content by removing complex […]

Recommended Creative Commons Website and Publication notices

Set out below are recommended comprehensive long-form and/short-form © notices with Creative Commons licences prepared by NCU for State and Territory Education Departments and the non-government school sectors for websites and publications. The website copyright notices are useful as they do the following: explain the Creative Commons licence what permission has been granted to others to make use […]

Applying a Creative Commons Licence

In June 2014 the Australian Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs Senior Officials Committee (AEEYSOC) approved the amendment of the terms of use and copyright notices of the websites and publications of all Australian Departments of Education. This requires the Departments of Education websites and publications to comply with the Australian Governments Open Access […]

Creative Commons: A Quick Overview

Updated 24 May 2022 This information sheet provides a short introduction to Creative Commons. For further information, including a detailed guide on how to find and attribute Creative Commons material, see the Creative Commons Information Pack. Creative Commons provides an alternative licensing system so that authors, musicians and other creators can grant rights to the […]

Creating Learning and Teaching Resources: A copyright guide for TAFE resource developers

27 July 2023 Introduction TAFE resource developers create online learning materials and make these available to TAFE teachers and students. Many TAFEs offer a hybrid approach to learning, with students attending classes in person, as well as accessing content online and viewing online classes. Some of the activities resource developers might be doing include: copying […]

Using Generative AI Platforms in TAFEs

Updated 20 February 2024 1.Introduction The use of digital technologies in TAFEs is growing and transforming the education experience. One of the ways TAFEs, departments and TAFE administering bodies are using transformative technologies is through generative artificial intelligence (AI) platforms. Some examples of these technologies include ChatGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney and the Canva AI tools. The […]

Using Generative AI Platforms in Schools

Updated 20 February 2024 1. Introduction The use of digital technologies in schools is growing and transforming the education experience. One of the ways schools, departments and administering bodies are using transformative technologies is through generative artificial intelligence (AI) platforms. Some examples of these technologies include ChatGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney and the Canva AI tools. This […]

OER Toolkit : Section 1 – Introduction

This Toolkit has been developed to support teachers, curriculum writers and e-learning areas within Departments of Education, Catholic Education Commissions and Associations of Independent Schools, to understand and make use of open educational resources (OER) to create curriculum resources. The Toolkit specifically looks at how to find and use OER and how to license these […]

COVID-19 School Lockdown – Copyright Guidance

Updated 13 September 2021 UPDATED COVID-19 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION FOR SCHOOLS  – This guidance will continue to be reviewed and updated so please check back from time to time PLEASE IGNORE PREVIOUS INFORMATION SHEETS AND ADVICE ON THIS TOPIC Please note the guidance in this information sheet is in response to the COVID-19 crisis only and […]

Remote and digital learning – ‘day to day’ teaching and learning

UPDATED 13 September 2021 – This guidance will continue to be reviewed and updated so please check back from time to time PLEASE IGNORE PREVIOUS INFORMATION SHEETS AND ADVICE ON THIS TOPIC Introduction This information sheet provides updated copyright guidance to all schools for the 2021 school year to manage the risk of copyright infringement […]

Music Copyright Guide for Schools

Updated 27 February 2023 Teachers regularly use music for educational or other purposes. They may want to copy sheet music for students or perform music live. Or, they may want to record a live performance of music by students or play a sound recording in class or at a school event. What do we mean by […]

Music Copyright Guide for TAFEs

Updated 27 May 2024 Introduction When we talk about music, we are referring to both musical works (ie sheet music comprising the score and/or the lyrics of a song) and sound recordings (ie recorded versions of musical works). A musical work can be the score, or both the score and lyrics. The copyright owner of the score can be different to […]

Podcasts – Creating (TAFE)

Creating Podcasts – What am I allowed to do? Teachers and students might create podcasts as part of classroom activities, for homework or for general TAFE activities (eg updating students on TAFE events). Teachers might create podcasts to: provide foreign language lessons to students set out revision and homework tasks facilitate self-paced and distance learning […]

Creating Learning and Teaching Resources: A Copyright Guide for Departments of Education and Non-Government Administering Bodies

Updated 28 September 2022 Introduction Curriculum developers make learning materials available online so teachers and students can easily access materials. Some of the materials you might be creating include things like: A PDF download for Year 9 Science on ‘Investigating the tectonic process’, that contains text and images from different resources, and links to websites […]

Where to Find OER Materials

There is an abundance of OER materials open for everyone to use and available on the Internet. However, the key is knowing where to find such materials. Once you master this, it is surprisingly easy to find quality materials. OER goes hand in hand with CC licensed materials; links to good sources of CC licensed […]

Videos on OER

Updated 31 May 2022 OER Africa has created a series of simple tutorials on searching for Open Content The Finding Open Content Tutorial can be accessed directly at OER Africa. There is no requirement to log in or register, simply click on the link. There are videos and interactive elements. The tutorial covers: ·        A search strategy […]

Introduction to OER

Updated 14 June 2022 Introduction to Open Education Resources Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium, digital or otherwise, that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaption and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions. Why […]

International OER Guides and Toolkits

There are a wide range of guides and toolkits available from a variety of sources to help to understand and implement Open Education policies. They provide a good explanation of OER and how to licence under CC licences but please note that there are differences in law and administration of the education sector in different […]

Labelling and Attributing (TAFE)

Updated 27 October 2021 This information sheet is for teachers who create or compile resources for students, and for curriculum units that develop resources for TAFEs. It covers the following: labelling material that has been created by you, your TAFE or an educational body (eg TAFE commission or government education department etc) and attributing third […]

Podcasts – Using – What am I allowed to do? (TAFE)

Teachers and students might use podcasts as part of classroom activities, for homework or for general TAFE activities (eg updating students on TAFE events). Teachers might use podcasts to: provide foreign language lessons to students as part of revision and homework tasks facilitate self-paced and distance learning or assist students with reading difficulties or other […]


Updated 7 December 2021 Schools, TAFE institutes, education departments and administrative bodies only need to seek permission from the copyright owner when: they are not able to rely on a statutory or voluntary licence or educational use exception to use material in the way they intend the material is not licensed under Creative Commons. Examples […]

Artistic Works and Images

Updated 12 January 2022 Teachers regularly copy artistic works and images for educational or other purposes. The artistic works and images might be in a hardcopy or digital format. Artistic works and images include digital images (including from sources like Pinterest, Getty Images, Google or Instagram), paintings, photos, drawings, cartoons, book covers and other pictures […]

Website icons

  Book by Vectors Point from the Noun Project licensed under CC BY 3.0 is used to represent ‘Text work’ on the ‘Copyright Guidelines‘ page and on the ‘Homepage‘. Art by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project licensed under CC BY 3.0 is used to represent ‘Artistic work and Images’ on the ‘Copyright Guidelines‘ page and on […]

Labelling and Attributing

Updated 27 October 2021 This information sheet is for teachers who create or compile resources for students, and for curriculum units that develop resources for TAFEs or schools. It covers the following: Labelling material that has been created by you, your school or an educational body (eg education department, diocese etc) Attributing third party material […]

Short explainers on CC and OER

Below are links to slides that are short explainers on Creative Commons (CC) and Open Education Resources (OER):        

Stock Image Libraries and Images from the Internet – What am I allowed to do?

Updated 8 November 2023 Introduction The educational use of images from the internet is not free. Schools and TAFEs pay significant licence fees to use online images which under the Statutory Text and Artistic Works Licence. This includes so-called “royalty free” stock imagery (eg Getty, Shutterstock, iStock) as well as images from Facebook and other social […]

Cloud Computing – Using

‘Cloud computing’ is a term used to describe the delivery of computing services such as software, data access and data storage facilities over the internet rather than through a personal computer or location server. This enables users to access applications and data on-demand through a web browser regardless of their physical location or device (PC, […]

Students and Copyright

What is copyright? A simple definition of copyright is that it is a bunch of rights in certain creative material (literary works, artistic works, musical works, computer programs, sound recordings, films and broadcasts) which can be used to stop others from copying the creative material without permission. At its most basic, copyright is simply the […]

Scanning – What am I allowed to do?

This information sheet deals with scanning of hardcopy text and/or artistic works for educational purposes) and in what circumstances teachers may: scan (make a copy) make scanned copies available to students to access (communicate) and email scanned copies to students. Rules for scanning and communicating scanned text works Under the Statutory Text and Artistic Works […]

Podcasts – Using

Using Podcasts What am I allowed to do? What is a podcast? A “podcast” is a digital media file that is made available on the internet. It usually comprises visual and aural copyright material, including film, sound recordings and pictures. Podcasts with audiovisual content are sometimes called “vodcasts”. Podcasts can be downloaded to computers and […]

Podcasts – Creating

Creating Podcasts – What am I allowed to do? Teachers and students might create podcasts as part of classroom activities, for homework or for general school activities (eg updating parents on school events). Teachers might create podcasts to: provide foreign language lessons to students set out revision and homework tasks facilitate self-paced and distance learning […]

Where to find CC licensed material

Updated 4 August 2022 The main search tool for CC licensed materials is “Openverse” which allows easy and quick access to content that can be shared, used and remixed. Openverse (formerly known as CC Search) allows users to search openly licensed collections. Users can filter for CC licensed images or audio on Openverse by clicking […]

Yes, Australian schools do pay to use free online content

In early June, the Australian Digital Alliance (ADA) launched its #copywrong website. Copyright Agency, who manages the collection of copyright fees from Australian schools under the statutory licence for education, took issue with some of the education examples included on the site. In their news item, What’s wrong with #copywrong, Copyright Agency highlighted three #copywrong education examples that are ‘unsubstantiated and […]