There are a wide range of guides and toolkits available from a variety of sources to help to understand and implement Open Education policies.
They provide a good explanation of OER and how to licence under CC licences but please note that there are differences in law and administration of the education sector in different countries to the extent that in some jurisdictions individual schools are able to decide whether to licence education resources they create under a CC licence. Therefore if you need advice about licensing education resources under CC licences in Australia further information should be sought from the NCU.
In the UK, a toolkit has been prepared to assist schools in Leicester City and provides a useful guide to Open Education. It is available here.
In South Africa, OER Africa has also developed a toolkit on OER available here.
In New Zealand, OER has been adopted by many schools and their policies have been shared online. An example is available here.
Another good guide is the handbook prepared by the UK based organisation Open Knowledge. This handbook has been written to provide a useful point of reference for readers with a range of different roles and interests who are interested in learning more about the concept of Open Education and to help them deal with a variety of practical situations. The Open Education Handbook can be found here.
The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), an American based international alliance of academic and research libraries has an information sheet on Open Education which can be found here (pdf).
Creative Commons has a website devoted to Open Education with useful resources which can be found here.
UNESCO has produced guidelines for OER as part of its work to promote Open Education and which can be found here.
The global Open Education Movement organisation raises awareness of Open Education during its annual Open Education Week. More information can be found here.
The Learning Portal College Libraries in Ontario has an OER Toolkit here.
The Commonwealth Health and Education Unit (part of the Commonwealth Education Hub) lists OER toolkits from various organisations here.